Amazon Tree Boa Care sheet:

Amazon Tree Boas are possibly the most commonly kept of all the tree boas. They are noted for an unpleaent demeanor. These are NOT snakes for the beginner!

Enclosure: Amazon Tree Boas are not overly active snakes and they are not terribly big either, and becuase of this they do not need a very large enclosure. Obviously Amazon Tree Boas are arboreal (tree dwelling) as it states in their name, so height is more important than ground space. A single adult specimen can be houses in a terrarium measuring 45x45x45cm (LxWxH) but height is more important an 45x45x60 (LxWxH) would probably be prefered. I suggest not using a wooden vivarium or enclosure at all. Tree Boas need high humidity and this will quickly rot the wood making the enclosure useless.

A substrate or bark chips, eco-earth or cypress mulch is best used for adult Tree Boas. Kitchen towl is the best option for neonate boas. A large water bowl and plenty of items to climb and perch on should be provided. Fake plants should also be provided for hiding in. Real plants can also be used, but make sure they do not give off any toxins. also make sure they are strong enough to house an adult Tree Boa which could be 5 foot or more in length!

Heat/Light: Along with corect humidity, the correct temperatures are key to keeping Amazon Tree Boas successfully in captivity. We keep our Tree Boas in a racking system and use heat mats under half the enclosure for constant heat. From experience I have found that weather heat if provided from above or below Amazon Tree Boas will spend a large amount of time on the ground anyway.

We use heat mats/strips or heat cable which we set at 88F to create a warm/basking area, and are on constantly. Coming from areas with a high ambient temperature I am not even sure tree boas bask anyway. The air temperature in the enclosure varies from 75-80F. Amazon Tree Boa like all snakes require no UV or Fluorescent lighting. Some people do choose to use some sort of bulb to lighten up the enclosure in general however. Make sure that if you do use a light to brighten up the enclosure that is doesn't give off any heat.

Water/Humidity: Amazon Tree Boas require a fairly high, constant humidity level. Humidty should not be allowed to drop below 60% and during the day humidity levels should be allowed to reach 80% or more! Misting the cage once or twcie a day should achieve these high levels of humidity. Substrate should always be damp but not wet. Try not to spray the snake directly. If issues occur whilst the snake is shedding, humidity should be raised even higher.

A large water bowl should be provided with clean, fresh water that should be changed every other day. The water bowl should be large enough so that the Boa can fit its whole body into the water at any one time.

Feeding: Young neonate snakes should be fed an appropriately sized meal every 5-7 days. We start them off on pinkies. Adult males are fed once every 2 weeks and adult females are fed once every 2-3 weeks. An animal may refuse a meal if the temperatures and/or humidity is too low or if it is coming up for a shed. Females may also refuse when gravid(pregnant). Adults generally feed on a large or extra large mouse, or a small rat. Adult males may fast for a few weeks, even a month or two in the winter, but this is generally nothing to worry about.

Notes: A truly beautiful display animal, that in general does not tolerate handling well. They have large teeth and can deliver a nasty bite which in some cases requires stitching. We highly recommend. purchasing a snake hook and/or a good pair of leather gloves when dealing with this species so that both you and the snake avoid injury.

Written by BarneyM, you do not have permission unless stated by the writer of the caresheet to copy.