Leopard Geckos:

Are the most common gecko species kept as pets. They are great first time herps. Although the care of this species is very commonly produced wrong on the internet.


As babies, leos are better off kept on paper towels/newspaper, due to impaction (which i wont go into much detail). Even though it may not look 'pretty' or 'natural', is it really still worth losing your new addition?. Adults should be kept on either paper towels/newspaper/vinyl tiles or some sand (not recommended). Some owners have kept adult leo's on Play sand with no ill effects. I still dont believe in the risk, but thats up to you!.


Leopard geckos love their crickets. Babies should be fed daily of how many crickets they can eat in 10mins max, or till they stop huniting. A bowl full of meal worms should be provided at all times. And weekely covered in an calcium supplement I.e Tetrafauna Repto Cal.


Hatchling-juvenille leopard geckos can be housed in an 18" long viv and an single adult a 24".


Should be provided by an heatmat attached to an thermostat. The temp in the hot side should be around 88*f and cool around 75*f. And a night time drop of above 65*f with no ill effects. A hot and cold side should be provided.

Habitat furnishings:

Simple viv set-ups coinsist with just 2 hides, a calcuim and water dish. Which should be the bare minimum. Another simple set-up is 2 hides, logs, stones and cal bowl/water bowl. Fancy set-ups usaully coinsist with fake back grounds, live plants ect, which isnt adequate but makes a nice 'display viv'.


For more help or info contact [email protected].