How to set-up a tropical fish tank:

Tropical fish tanks are amazing, colourful and relaxing.

Step 1) Purchase a Tank and all the kit including: Filter, Heater, Airpump, Airstone, Water testing kit, Gravel, Decor and live/fake plants and water conditioners.

Step 2) Put the tank in the desired position add the Decor and Gravel/plants and equipment but leave swithched off.

Step 3) Condition the tap water with de-chlorinater and fill the tank up. And turn on all the equipment.

Step 4) Wait, Wait and wait a little more. I know at this point you just wanna add the fish, but you need to do this important step first. The water added in your tank wouldn't be cycled, which means the benificial bacteria in the filter wouldn't be established (which kills toxins and left-over food in the tank) and the Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites would be off the chart. You can add bacteria from a fish shop at this point. Your tank will take an amount of time at this point depending on the amount of gallons the tank is. After a couple of days do a water test and see what the ammonia ect is. I'd be surprised with any tank if the water was ok. Your tank might go cloudy anytime soon which is a good sign which is known as 'New tank syndrome' which basically means the water is getting better. After a week or so, do a 25% water change and a water test and so on till the water is OK.

Step 5) Wooo, Cycling a tank is hard work!.  Now, again you cant just chuck the fish in and all is well. You need to plan the type of fish you want, and ask questions: Is my tank big enough for a plec?. Can i keep guppies with red-tailed sharks? ect. So research, Research snd research more.

Step 6) You've found out what fish you want and the quantities so go get um!. Uh, NO!. Your tank is still in a life and death situation. So adding fish needs to be done slowly and carefully. You should never add more than 5 fish per week to any tank. You need to let your tank adjust to the fish first before adding more. Add fish weekly till you get your desired amount.

Step 7) Sit back and enjoy, and don't forget to do those fortnightly water changes!.

Written By Jake Elvin.