Dwarf Hamsters!!

Dwarf hamster care sheet:

Dwarf hamsters are similar to Syrians. Yet just smaller hence the name. They aren't beginner hamster though, but are great for people who have kept a wide range of rodents before hand.


DH, can be housed alone, paired or grouped depending on species and sexes. A minimum sized cage for a pair is a 24" long tank or 10gallon.


DHs, can be fed normal hamster muesli, or pacific DH food. 2-3 times a week substitute your DH(s) with fresh vedgetables and fruit.


Dh's can have woodshavings, newspaper (shredded) or even material. *be careful of sawdust and scented types of woodshavings, as allergic reaction can occur*


Your DH(s) water bottle or water bowl should be cleaned and new water added daily.


DH's favourite toys are toilet rolls. You can fork out for expensive plastic toys if you prefer but be careful as they generally can be chewed and digested causing Impaction. You can make DIY toys which i will add a page ASAP.


DH's breed very easily with none to minimum interaction of the owners. They are approximately pregnant for 2 weeks, and have any from 1 - 20 babies. If the mother feels she can't cope with all of the pups, she'll do the kindest thing and eat the babies than rather let them starve to death.


Page directed of how to sex a DH: http://www.animalloversweb.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?m-1196955517/

Behaviour in captivity

DH's are rather aggressive than the Syrian hamster. Which all are not, one of mine is a sweet heart whilst the other is a devil. If this is your first hamsters, i'll generally recommend you have experince with Syrians just so you can get the idea of how aggressive and fidly these little guys can be.


Campbells Russian Dwarf Hamster

Winter white Dwarf Hamster

Roborvinski Dwarf Hamster

Chinese Dwarf Hamster or Mouse-like hamster.