Corn snake Care sheet

Corn snakes are great first-time snakes. They are easy to feed, house and heat. So heres a care sheet:


A young hatchling can be housed in a RUB (plastic storage box). The box should be roughly the size of the snakes length. And upgraded as the snake grows. A adult singe CS can be housed in a 4ft long viv happily for the mofority of the rest of its life. Adults can also be housed in RUBs but it can be tricky to get appropirately sized ones.


Becuase corns are cold blooded they need a heated Tank to be happy. The best way to achieve this is by a heat mat controlled by a thermostat. The hot end should be around 30*c whilst the cool end 22-24*c so the snake can control its temperature accordingly.


CS, should be fed appropiatley sized food items depending on the size of the snake. Hatchlings will take pinkies, Juvinilles would tank fuzzies and an adult would take adult mice or small rats. *estimate*


Becuase corns are nocturnal, they dont need any special Daylight lighting or UV like some species of other snakes need.


Corns can be kept on newspaper, tiles, bark chips, woodshavings.


Corns need a big enough water bowl that the corn can actually soak init, or 'bath'. Some might actually soak and some may only drink out of it. Make sure you clean and re-fill the bowl daily to stop and bacteria from forming.